The goal of Assignment #5 is to produce a bibliography and draft literature review. The draft will be about 8 pages (I will not take off points for length), double-spaced, 12 pt, Times New Roman.
The bibliography will include all the relevant sources and summaries (from the google doc) you use in the paper (you don't have to use all of them). You will probably need to edit the summaries from the doc so each entry is one (or two) coherent paragraph(s). You will add four sources to those included in the google doc. They should be organized (put in order) according to the organization of your paper. For example, if you are writing about contraceptives and you want to start with a history of contraception, you will include those sources first in your bibliography.
You will then use your bibliography to produce an eight page literature review. The literature review will summarize and review the results from your bibliography. This means that, in addition to discussing the results from the individual sources, you should include "meta commentary", discussing the organization of the paper, summarizing results (and drawing conclusions) across sources, etc. It is particularly insightful if you can find sources that seem to offer contradictory results and then discuss why they might be at odds and, if appropriate, which one is right.
Feel free to email me if you have questions, and I will be on campus over Spring Break if you want to meet.
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