Thursday, May 14, 2015

Monday, April 20, 2015

Assignment #7 Topics

Cheetah Girls – Contraception
Group 2 – Teen Fertility
Group 6 – Cohabitation
Group 1 – Teen Fertility
Team Rubix – Divorce
Other Group 2 (Christian, William, Alyssa, . . .) – Marriage
Zara, Kamilah, and Ethan – Divorce

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Assignment #5 comments

I focus my comments on the negative because, in general, 90% of what you do is very good. It is more productive to emphasize the other 10%. These comments are meant to be demonstrative of things that can be improved on in the paper. They are not meant to be comprehensive.

Intros and transitions – GET TO THE POINT!!!!! Don’t screw around. Tell me what you are going to tell me and cut out everything else. You should only reference the title of an article or book if that book or article is well known. Otherwise, just use the authors’ names. Titles are irrelevant.

 Contraception - The Cheetah Girls (which, I hear, is a movie)




Roles in the family


 Teen Fertility

Monday, April 13, 2015

Assignment #6 (Due April 27th)

The goal of assignment #6 is to turn your several summaries into a single class paper. That means:

- Text (Body)
       - Main text body should be 12 pt Times New Roman, 1.5 spacing, 1/4 indent on first line. Block quotes are single spaced and 1/2 in. indent. 
       - Add appropriate headers and subheaders: Main headers are bold, 14 point font and centered, subheaders are bold, 12 point font, subsubheaders are 12 point font, italics.
       - Add in-text citation where it is missing: (Author Year) or (Author Year: Pg#) or Author (Year) or Author (Year: Pg#)
       - Check grammar, flow, etc.
       - Add executive summary at the beginning, essentially a bullet point list of the main points from the paper, about three or four from each original paper.

 - References
       - Combine all citations in a single reference section at the end of the paper. 
       - Alphabetical order
       - APA style (see Link)
       - Double check match between in-text citations and references

Your responsibility:
Every student will spend two hours working on this. Keep of list of the changes you make (not the specific changes, but the general kind of changes) and when you worked on it. You will turn this in. I will compare this against the google docs record. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Group Evaluation Forms

Summary Doc

Please post your group literature reviews/summaries here.

Demographic Winter Link and Assignment

Link: Part 1 | Part 2

Assignment (Due April 15):
1) What is the Demographic Winter?
2) What is the cause/causes?
3) What are the consequences?
4) Critique an argument (about 200 words).

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Monday, March 23, 2015

Homework #3 due Wednesday

Just a reminder that I pushed back the due date for HW3 to Wednesday. You can turn it in today if you have finished it, but I don't actually need it until Wednesday.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Exam I grades are up

Exam I grades are now in Canvas. Class average is an 85%. Median is 85.6%. Grades on canvas are out of 150, so the class average is 127.5 *.85*150). Have a nice break.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Group Paper Instructions

The goal of Assignment #5 is to produce a bibliography and draft literature review. The draft will be about 8 pages (I will not take off points for length), double-spaced, 12 pt, Times New Roman.

The bibliography will include all the relevant sources and summaries (from the google doc) you use in the paper (you don't have to use all of them). You will probably need to edit the summaries from the doc so each entry is one (or two) coherent paragraph(s). You will add four sources to those included in the google doc. They should be organized (put in order) according to the organization of your paper. For example, if you are writing about contraceptives and you want to start with a history of contraception, you will include those sources first in your bibliography.

You will then use your bibliography to produce an eight page literature review. The literature review will summarize and review the results from your bibliography. This means that, in addition to discussing the results from the individual sources, you should include "meta commentary", discussing the organization of the paper, summarizing results (and drawing conclusions) across sources, etc. It is particularly insightful if you can find sources that seem to offer contradictory results and then discuss why they might be at odds and, if appropriate, which one is right.

Feel free to email me if you have questions, and I will be on campus over Spring Break if you want to meet.

Group Subjects

Group 1 - Fertility
Group 2 (no quotes) - teen fertility
"Group 2" - Marriage
Kamilah, Zara, Ethan - Divorce
Group 6 - Roles in Family
The Cheetah girls - Contraceptives
Team UMBC Rubix - Cohabitation

Friday, March 6, 2015

Monday, March 2, 2015

Monday, February 23, 2015

No office hours tdoay

I will not be able to make it in for office hours today. Sorry.

Assignment #4 due Wednesday

This is just a reminder that I pushed back the due date for Assignment #4 to Wednesday.

Monday, February 16, 2015